Sunday, October 28, 2007
went bedok met hongxiong.
then cabbed to sk find kumchuen and jinbao.
wanted to bus to yishun.
but no more bus..
so cab to yishun.
met ziying, eddie, hao, wilson, ahbull.
then cab to khatib mac again.
cabbing everywhere today luhs !
slack at mac until 2plus.
then daddy say he near yishun.
and come fetch me home (:
on th way, went to KPE to "tour"
the new expressway.
the roads quite dangerous luhs?
lots of curves.
and heard that today got fatal accident?
omg la !
reached home exactly 3am :D
off to slp.
i didnt slp for ytd..
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !
bbyes ! (:
most probably wont be blogging tmr.
cos there's 3papers on monday !
EL1, EL2, M1.
大乌龟getwellsoon x3s
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
like finally luhs?
went to wisma to meet dawugui and wilson.
didnt slp a wink from saturday wil now.
superwoman~ LOL
dawugui also..
was quite shag las.
luckily didnt wear my colour lens out.
if not eyes comfirm pain one.
cos with wearing lenses my eyes are painful alr.
yupp, so back to the topic.
went wisma SE service centre find them.
then went food republic to eat.
they ate , i didnt.
didnt had any appetite.
from friday and sat didnt ate anything.
only ate on sunday morning.
then no more.
and my lips are peeling like mad !
its dry, bloody and painful !
bloody for i itchy hand, peel it off :X
back to topic again.
trained to cityhall.
wilson wanted to get stuffs from NUM.
then walked back to raffles city.
he bought another bag from billabong.
he spends money like WATER luhs !
bwg las !
then bused to bishan.
meet ah hao then all went bishan park tgt.
first time there.
not bad uhs..
quite quiet.. but kinda boring also?
lols !
around 11, bused 262 , changed to 135 to go home (:
dawugui pei me home.
thanks uhs ! ^^
okay, its really time to dig my head into books..
cutting down on blogging.
and no more phone marathon until exams over or weekends ):
no more of jokes and laughters to entertain me.
how bored can life me?
nvm, after o's !
i can do wadever i want !
phone marathon 24hrs also not a problem uhs !
oh ya, forgotten to mention.
dawugui's phone overheated due to the duper long marathon.
i dun like my family..
or mayb should i say my younger sis, dad, grandma?
i was like hungry until siao in the morning.
asked my younger sis to help me buy food..
and she refused !
nice one la..
saturday worse, bought porridge, beehoon, nasilemak..
super NICE one laa! so, i locked the com ! she cant audi ! :P
heng mummy bought for me to eat on sunday.
and my dad,
not going to school doesnt mean i dont need money alrights?
and mummy go out doesnt mean she has alot money to spend.
and doesnt mean she must give us every single cent.
wad kind of thinking is this?
if she has the money to go out, ask us take pocket monkey from her?
shyt u man !
fking jiaowei motherfker las !
dun give me money lorhs..
you'll see.
after o's i sure BYEBYE with u one.
unreasonable people in a unreasonable family !
shyt it las !
really cant stand it la!
heng got dawugui, keep asking me dun angry, cheering me up (:
yepp, tats all.
bbye (:
its a damm long post with lotsa words.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
confirm guarantee chopchop fail chem.
wadever luhs !
its super diff.
i burned my finger and drop the half bottle of acid.
worst still, my table partner,
drop the whole glass bottle.
luckily it dropped into the basin.
if not i will kana also..
after the practical, was "lockuped" until 1.30.
chatted lots of things with crystal and rebecca :D
then slacked at house downstairs awhile.
went home, slpt from 4 to 10..
cos i didnt slp last nite..
yea, tats all.. bye ! (:
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
i am in deep shyt man !
i hasnt been going out for many many days..
HOWEVER, i hasnt been studying too !
been staying at home using com basically EVERYDAY.
maple, audi, online shopping.
did not go out..
but instead bought LOTS of stuffs from online..
no difference with going out anot la..
gona limit myself to using the com for less than 2hrs everyday.
hohos !
will be starting to study 24/7 later..
practicals are on thursday.
and written ones next week.
damn !
nvm, its gonna be over soon ! :D
after o's gonna do many things i want ! :P
1. Perm large curls
2. Dye Hair.
3. Nose, Naval Piercing
4. PSP !
5. New phone ! k810i/w580i
6. Red / Grey / Lime green skinnies !
7. Red / Black shorts
8. find a job
9. ton nights ! x333s
10. clubbing ! (:
lots of stuffs i wanna do luhs !
and i wan JIANFEI ! XD
i eat less than one meal everyday ! ^^
i know its abit crazy :X
i slpt at 9am ytd, woke up at 4pm.
ate at 7pm.. thats my meal for the day alr..
having tat damm gastric now !
stupid !
shall go and complete my maths tys 2006 paper alr.
Bye people ! (:
*may now be blogging regularly due to o's.
will be back to normal on 6NOV :D
Friday, October 12, 2007
psp !
my com is also duper lag..
nothing much today..
so i post about psp okay? :X
now got new psp, psp slim.
launched in sony sg on 10/10/07..
i think the pink one is chio ! xD

see, the rose pink is niceeeee !
lavender purple also not bad..
but not launched in sony sg yet.
only black, white, silver is launched.
i wan buy psp ! XD
but only can buy after o's..
if not i will stick my fingers on it and not study.. ):

yuan yuan, 又老一岁了, 生日快乐 ! :D
Thursday, October 11, 2007
yay ! finally can get rid of my k750i next month..
i used it for going 21months already?
so far nothing much is spoilt?
except for the batt..
i can buy a new phone next month ! :D
still thinking whether to buy
k810i- cybershot
or w580i- walkman
this colour is chio !
but i dun think its available yet?
i think for now,
only the grey and white is available?
or this? w660i- walkman
i like the w580i..
but, i doesnt have 3G..
there is a shake control,
which you shake the phone to shuffle to next song.
super cool luhs !
i like k810i..
cos of its 3.2megapixel cam and its 3G ! XD
but it doesnt have walkman player ):
*any other suggestions which phone is nice to use?
or mayb should i switch back to nokia? N73MusicEd ?
*i've got nothing to blog today..
so i blogged about phones (:
it took me time to find the pictures also okay?! :P
tag it on my tagboard ! (:
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
jus got home not long ago?
its alr 4am :X
yea, so should jus blog a short post.
nothing much today..
went down tnet slack, see them play bball.
did a lil of maths.
homed at 9pm.
then used com until 12plus.
met shona, xiaode, benedict, aikming.
was deciding where to go..
in the end, went ecp.
drank and slack there.
played true or dare..
some of the dares are quite funny.
lols !
tats about all..
bye ! (:
Sunday, October 07, 2007
around 4plusAM?
went beach road to eat..
then went bugis to walk ard..
saw alot macphersonians sials..
went arcade, RF5'ed.
then went bugis street walk..
then bus down to haig rd.
cab down to payalebar temple.
went yewkeng on lorry.
the wind is like damm strong las..
i sprayed alot hairspray on my hair..
and all entangled las..
after yewkeng, went back bedok..
ate beehoon at there then slack..
wait for them keep things..
then cab back to chuplao..
ziying and jinbao go home bath..
then took last bus go back geylanglor17.
slacked there til 3plus.
then went home (:
shyt man ! i hasnt been studying ):
omg !
11days to practical.
15days to written papers !
i am sososo dead man !
there's english remedial tmr..
i heard that its from 9am-2pm?
siao'ness man ! 5hrs leiis !
should be not gg bahs :P
hohos !
bbyes ! x333s !
Friday, October 05, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Danson Tang
studied !
i stayed homed the whole day !
its uber boring las !
woke up at 1, studied til 6 (:
used com for a while..
intended to go back to study..
but my brain off'ed alr..
so tmr then continue ! :X
tag me people!
i dun like my blog,
its too quiet ! :X
*i still hasnt receive the other pics yet.
will post up asap ! :D
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
x3s !
like finally la?
i am in love with this blogskin lorhs !
i like the combination ^^
changed my links too..
from the drop down menu to the normal one..
i only linked some of which i think is still "functioning"
and those whose link i still have..
if anyone wants me to link them, or they linked me,
leave your links on my tagboard !
i'll definitely link you back :D
haven't upload song.
but added a live counter thingy.
although i know my blog traffic is pathetically little,
i just put shuang cans?!
yea, going to slp alr !
nitex people ! x333s !
*not going remedials tmr !
staying home to study :D
hohos ~
although i went late, but i still went ok?!
after that went library study..
study awhile, went yide's house..
then went cc play bball awhile..
went home at 7plus (:
and , tang yu zhe is damm shuaiis !
his songs are quite nice too :D
hohos~ xD
*i cant post the pictures up yet.
cos i haven receive most of the other pics?
will post up asap :D
Monday, October 01, 2007
back !
i'll throw all my photos into photobucket later or tmr.. (:
its damm alot..
like confirm more than 20?
however, i stil haven recieve all of the graduation ceremony photos !
i got 24 for my prelimary examinations L1R4 !
woohoos~ its somehow calculated wrongly..
cos i calculated only got 27 !
HAHA~ told mr lee about it.. but he say he'll check.. so be it :D
hohos ~
officially graduated from macpherson secondary on 280907..
took ton lots of photos !
with 4D, 2B, bball cliques, PL, and friends :D
my "aim" is to get into some IT courses in poly?
mayb Multimedia and Infocomm Technology in NYP- 22;
Digital Media Design in NYP- 18; but i've got no sense of creavity.. how to design? :X lol
or some other business course thingy?
no idea !
see my final results ba ! ^^
all the best all n's , o's , eoy's takers ! :D
*no one tags my blog~ ):
so i've got no mood to blog :X
yea, i may mia soon, after posting the pics..
bug me to blog, i might blog if anyone does so? xD